The plans that Tributi proposes to make the income statement online


In the offer there is an option designed especially for accountants

Laura Fernanda Bolaños R. – lbolañ[email protected]

Making the result statement can be one the most complicated procedures people from August; even more this year with the changes that were included in the latest tax reform, which is starting to be effective for the 2017 fiscal year statement, ie the one that will be completed by more than 2 million people.

information to make this process Andrés Vélez and Simón González have decided to create Tributi, a platform that automates this procedure, allowing respondents and accountants to save time and money.

Considering that it is a platform designed for natural persons, Raúl Ávila, industry expert at the National University, said that this type of business is a good thing. "tool" corresponds to what was planned by the Ministry of Finance, so it presents great benefits since it allows the simplification of management, and will be an easier tool for monitoring, control and also issues like the evasion and double billing that has a great implication for the emp ".

However, Jorge Leonardo Ruíz, CEO of Taxes Consulting & Services SAS and Accountant, said that, although "it's a new idea, because nowadays everything is managed online, we have to keep in mind that for some cases a personalized advice is better, because several questions arise in the process. "

On Operation Velez spoke with LR and explained what services are delivered.

This is a web platform that automates the preparation of personal income tax returns. What this means is that the information is on the platform and the statement is made automatically and instantly. The statements are prepared 100% online with our software that does not make mistakes and gives the peace of mind that everything is done right, and in a minimum time.

Why was the idea of ​​creating it born?
the idea stems from personal experience declaring income, and that was marked by two particular processes; First is the uncertainty and fear that there is around the process and people do not know how well they are doing. And another point is that when it was time to pay, I was surprised to have to pay $ 300,000 to prepare it and the amount to pay was $ 20,000, so we sought a solution for both aspects .

What plans do they have for users?
For the preparation of the tax return, we have three plans. The base that has a cost of $ 89,000 where the system asks simple questions about the details of the user, and once all the information is generated a PDF.

The second plan we offer is help, with a price of $ 119,000, that the user sends the documents so that the platform can go through the process of uploading documents and of information generation. And there is a third, exclusive service for accountants, where we give access to special tools, so that they take control of their clients with documentation, due dates and others. With Tributi, accountants will take less time to make the declaration for their users, since our software does all the calculations and has a price of $ 29,000

News that was implemented by law

With the reform 2016 tax the rules on fiscal matters have changed, so among the novelties highlights the simplification of this tax by the elimination of the national minimum tax replacement (Iman) and the Simplified Alternative Minimum Tax (MISA) to create a structured Determination that clbadifies income according to its origin. This is why taxpayers should start to clbadify each of their income in more depth.

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