The Red de Bancos de Sangre organizes a day of donations in the Alpujarra


In the Central Plazoleta of the Alpujarra, the Red of Bancos de Sangre made a great solidarity day donation until 4:00 in the afternoon.

In the city you need all kinds of blood to save more lives, however, this time donors from the O + and O- groups are needed. The directives of the Secretariat of Health of Antioquia make a special appeal to the community to attend this day because in the department there is a shortage of this vital liquid.

Persons wishing to donate must be of age and under 65, weighing more than 50 kilograms, not taking any medication and not having fasting for more than 4 hours.

#AntioquiaCuenta l Today we have more than 10 blood banks in the region of the Alpujarra, join us and become a heroes, helping us save lives #PiensaEnGrande #PiensaEnElOtro #DonaSangreDonaVida

– SaludAntioquia (@SaludAntioquia) July 30 2018

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