The signing of new AP agreements is precipitous: SAC | National


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For the Colombian Farmers' Society, SAC, sign this agreement would be precipitated by" limited progress in issues such as market access, the environment and the origin, and a few weeks before the current government ends its administration. "

The governing union of the agriculture, does not share which sectors will affect the trade agreements between the PA and the Associated States (New Zealand, Singapore, Canada and Australia) are plunged into these negotiations.

For this reason, reiterated the need for to exclude them, as this would considerably affect national production, having been considerably disadvantaged compared to these new competitors, considered in the international concert as "heavyweights" in food production.

The SAC estimates In Colombia, 1.5 million people would be directly affected. For Jorge Enrique Bedoya Vizcaya, Executive Chairman of SAC, milk, meat and sugar should come out of this bargaining table.

As you may recall, the SAC has asked the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade margin of tariff reduction commitments mentioned products.

According to the SAC, looking at domestic milk production against New Zealand, we find a giant that exceeds us 3.34 times in production and with a potential for export of 90%. Regarding sugar, the SAC believes that "Australia is not only the third largest exporter of this product, but also exports about 4 times more than Colombia, being a strong international competitor, that can seriously affect national interests ". The agricultural badociation felt that the national government should protect those productive sectors that are not comparable to the production conditions of the badociated states.

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Regarding livestock meat production, SAC data show that Australia produces on average 3.08 times more than Colombia; while New Zealand exports 40 times more than our country.

According to Fedegan's figures, the "country of kangaroos" produces more than "2 million 500 thousand tons of beef per year and has a per capita consumption of about 31 kilos per year, which is why it has was forced to place about 75% of its production on the international market ".

Australia arrives with its meat in more than 100 countries and ranks as the third largest meat exporter in the world, just behind Brazil and India.

For the cattle guild, in the face of this power, there is no commercial opportunity, because they far exceed us.

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