The testament of Anthony Bourdain is revealed


The deceased American chief Anthony Bourdain left much of his legacy, estimated at about $ 1.21 million, to his daughter Ariane according to local media citing documents judicial

The will, presented this Thursday before the Court of the Estates of New York, delivers most of the property to Ariane 11 years, and another part to Ottavia Busia-Bourdain ex-wife of the chief, the Daily News and the New York Post reported

The details of the will quoted by both versions include that $ 425,000 in cash and savings $ 35,000 in a brokerage account $ 250,000 in personal property and $ 500,000 in intangibles, including royalties and remissions . in the year 2016, po co before Bourdain and Busia do not separate, does not include a condominium (apartment) that he acquired in 2014 in Manhattan with his wife of that time.

In addition, he mentions a mortgage worth $ 1.1 million for a property

His ex-wife left him accumulated miles as a frequent traveler and his " personal and household effects ", such as vehicles, furniture, books and other objects and asked him to dispose of it according to what he believes his wishes were. The versions detail that his daughter was left with the rest of her possessions.

The court will choose a guardian for Ariane, since he is a minor, who will be responsible for the custody of his property.

June, Bourdain, 61 years old, was found dead in his room of a luxury hotel in Kaysersberg (eastern France) by his French friend and colleague Eric Ripert . French reported the hanging suicide of the renowned leader, who was preparing a new issue of Parts Unknown for the television network CNN and noted that there was nothing there " for the moment think about intervention Bourdain, last couple of the Italian actress Asia Argento since 2016, began his television career after a successful career as a chef in several restaurants in New York, like the famous Brbaderie Les Halles in Manhattan.

Sources: Daily News and The New York Post

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