The tweets by which Disney fired the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy," James Gunn



Here's how the film production company Walt Disney Studios describes tweets from the former filmmaker "Guardians of the Galaxy," James Gunn.

Disney decided Friday to remove Gunn from the direction of the third part of the film after the disclosure on social networks and the media of old tweets with offensive content.

The American filmmaker apologized for the messages in which he made jokes about pedophilia and rape although the producer decided to dismiss him anyway.

"Offensive attitudes and statements found on James' Twitter are indefensible," said Disney director Alan Horn in a statement

"(they) are at odds with the values ​​of our study," he said. added. 19659007] Carrera


James Gunn wrote and directed the first two films of " Guardians of the Galaxy " with Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper.

The first installment was one of Marvel's most successful films, earning over $ 771 million at the global box office.

Gunn also worked on the hit series "L [19659010] The Avengers " .

In a series of tweets published on Friday, Gunn evokes the controversy surrounding his old publications.


"Many people who have followed my career know that when I started, I looked like a provocateur, to make movies and tell jokes that were outrageous and like j & # 's I have discussed it publicly several times, as I have developed it as a person, my work and my humor have also done, "he wrote.

" I am very, very different from what I was a few years ago, " wrote in another tweet.

" I'm sorry for this humor that hurts people, I I felt really bad. "

The controversy

The old tweets, which were erased from James Gunn's account, were revealed to the American daily The Daily Caller .

This are publications ranging from 2008 to 2011 where he jokes about the 1945 Holocaust, people with AIDS, pedophilia and rape.

The resurgence of these comments provoked a stir among American conservatives who demanded that Gunn be separated from Disney.

But the director also received words of support.


The actor Dave Bautista, who plays Drax the Destroyer in "Guardians of the Galaxy", said on Twitter that he was not d & # 39; Agree with the decision to dismiss Gunn

"I have more to say but for the sake of it. moment all I'm going to say is this … @JamesGunn is one of the most loving people, He is kind and kind, and cares deeply about people and animals He made mistakes, we all do, I do not agree with what happens to him, "he writes.

The publication of Bautista showed a clear division in social networks, with some people applauding the actor for his position, while others were more critical.


Bautista was not the only one Hollywood actor who took the defense of Gunn.

David Dastmalchian, who plays Kurt in Marvel's "Ant Man" movies, has already worked with Gunn in his 2016 horror film "The Belko Experiment."

] Although he did not directly refer to the controversy, he posted a photo of himself with Gunn on Instagram and wrote: " U [19659009IhavesomeofthemostincrediblepeopleIknow"


In the last time James Gunn was open critic of President Donald Trump.

Earlier this month, he accused the American leader of "betrayal" for comments he made at a summit with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

We do not know who will replace him. Galaxy III ", which is supposed to be shot in 2019.

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