The unemployment rate in June reached 9.1% compared to the same month of 2017


The national national unemployment rate was 9.1% against 8.7% in June 2017, up 0.4 percentage point. This was announced by Carlos Felipe Prada, deputy director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), adding that "this result was influenced by the behavior of the city of Medellín and Bogotá."

For the 13 cities and metropolitan areas, the rate was 11.1% for the sixth month of the year, while for the same period of 2017, the indicator was 10.8% .

For the moving quarter of April-June, the rate closed at 9.4%, and for the 13 cities, it was 10.6%, compared to 10.8% in June 2017. The number employed was 22.6 million people. The most active activity was commerce, the hotel and restaurant industry (26.7%), followed by community, social and personal services.

Quibdó, Armenia and Valledupar had the highest unemployment rates and the lowest cities were Cartagena Barranquilla and Santa Marta

It should be noted that 15 of the 23 cities badyzed showed negative variations, while eight had single-digit rates.

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