The use of mercury in the extraction of gold is prohibited from today | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development said that from today on, the use of mercury in the extraction Gold is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of Law 1658 of 2013, which badumed the elimination of this element in this mining in 5 years, that is to say between 2013 and 2018

"From today on, miners holding a mining title and an environmental authorization must continue their activities without using mercury.This measure reduces emissions and discharges into the environment, which are highly polluting, "said Environment Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo

Murillo pointed out that the mercury contamination of the formal extraction of 39; gold is reduced. about 95 tonnes of the substance that has been legally imported into the country and could be used by the mines.

"This will help reduce mercury in the air, water, soil, flora and fauna, thus improving the exposure to the risks that it represents for health miners and the general population, "said the environmental portfolio manager.

Murillo explained that this decision is one of the few that has been taken internationally, among the more than 70 developing countries that have this type of activity with mercury. "With this measure, the country exceeds the international requirements of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which has not established a date of eradication for the use of this element in the industry. worldwide, "added the minister. in industry and production processes, according to the 1658 law, the country undertakes to eliminate it in 2023.

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