The WTI Prize received US $ 75 | National


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The price of Texas Intermediate Oil, WTI, rose yesterday 0, 27% and closed at US $ 74.14 per barrel, to a day when it reached a high of US $ 75.09, while Brent was quoted at US $ 77.80 US crude oil price reaches non-operating values since 1965.

Meanwhile, Libya was anticipating the non-compliance of some of its exports by resort to force majeure, a concept that frees it from the responsibility of your deliveries This was generated after the production deficit expected, for which members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, had decided to increase their production.

However, the volatility of the international oil market also responds Geopolitical tensions did not include S's inability Canada to produce 360,000 barrels of oil a day, a company that was hit by a power cut last month, which is likely to be prolonged, delaying July oil deliveries

For its On the other hand, the dollar started the day at an average price of $ 2,909.83 and recorded a partial decrease of $ 20.97 compared to the MRT of $ 2,930.8.

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