They find vestige of the Odyssey in the archaeological site of Olimpi


The clay plate is
probably the oldest excerpt of Homer's epic that came out
the light up to now and, beyond being unique, is an epigraphic discovery,
archaeological, philological and historical importance ", explained the
A declaration.

According to the first studies of
the archaeologists of the slab would belong in the Roman era and probably be
before the third century a. C.

The house of the first
The Olympic Games have hidden near this famous sanctuary this discovery in which
Thirteen verses of the Fourteenth Rhapsody of the Odyssey are inscribed,
belonging to the speech of Ulysses to his servant Eumeo.

In work, Eumeo is a
parrot faithful to his lord, who receives when he returns to Ithaca disguised as

The discovery was made
in the context of geoarchaeological research "The multidimensional site of
Olympia ", who for three years studied the environs of the sanctuary of
this site with the participation of Greek and German archaeologists. The
the team noted that the age estimate of the plate will be confirmed
with a systematic survey of registrations that has already begun.

The Odyssey is one of the
main epic poems of ancient Greece and says the return to your home
after the Trojan War of the Ulysses hero, known in Greek as Ulysses. This one
poem is next to the Iliad, also attributed to Homer, one of the first
examples from Western literature

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