They show that caffeine does not suppress appetite or help to lose weight


A team of American researchers sought to find out if it was really true that caffeine had the power to reduce appetite in its regular users. The answer was negative.

For years, there has been speculation about the supposed slimming power of this aromatic drink. Pixabay

A new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics showed that although drinking a small amount of caffeine at breakfast helps reduce food intake at the first meal of the day, its effect is limited and transient, so the experts do not support its use as appetite suppressant or help with weight loss.

The authors of this research found that after drinking a small amount of caffeine, participants consumed 10% in a buffet breakfast provided by the researchers, but this effect did not occur. not persisted throughout the day and had no impact on participants' perceptions of their appetite. Thus, they consider that caffeine is not effective as an appetite suppressant or as aids in weight loss.

"Caffeine is often added to dietary supplements by claiming that it suppresses appetite and facilitates weight loss.

Previous research speculated that caffeine accelerates metabolism or affects brain chemicals that suppress appetite and epidemiological evidence suggests that regular caffeine users have lower body mbad

-explains the Principal Investigator, Leah M. Panek-Shirley, Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, University of Buffalo, New York –

The Purpose of Our Study was to determine whether caffeine could be related to reduced food consumption or suppressed appetite, and whether the results vary according to BMI.

On average, Americans drink eight ounces of coffee a day (about 0.23 liters) Fifty healthy adults (18-50 years old) visited the researchers' laboratory each week for a month to participate in the study.

Each time, they were asked to drink juice with caffeine equivalent to consuming four ounces (1 mg / kg) or eight ounces (3 mg / kg) of coffee, or not of coffee as a placebo dose Thirty minutes later, participants were asked to eat as much or as little as they wanted from a hearty breakfast buffet.

The study determined that After drinking the juice with 1 kg / mg caffeine, participants consumed about 70 fewer calories than they consumed after drinking juice with 3 mg / kg or without caffeine added.

After examining what the participants ate during the rest of each day of study from, they found that the intake did not persist.

In fact, participants made up for the reduced intake at breakfast later in the day. In addition, there was no difference in reported appetite badociated with caffeine doses. Finally, their individual BMI has no effect on their dietary intake or appetite in the three levels of caffeine.

"This study, because of its rigorous design, reinforces the importance of good eating habits and does not depend on help for weight loss or unhealthy practices," says Carol DeNysschen, the author of the study. one of the researchers, professor and chair of the Department of Health, Nutrition and Dietetics, SUNY Buffalo State College

Article from El Espectador.


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