They sue Facebook after a stock market crash that rocked the market


The fact comes after a drop of 120,000 million US dollars in the company's market capitalization.

Facebook Inc. and its general manager Mark Zuckerberg were sued Friday in what could be the first of many litigation reports on the company's disappointing results, which wiped out about $ 120 billion of its market capitalization

The appeal filed by the shareholder James Kacouris in a federal court in Manhattan accuses Facebook, Zuckerberg and Chief Financial Officer David Wehner of making misleading statements or not reporting the slowdown in the growth of their income. and the decline of active users.

Kacouris said the market was "shocked" when the "truth" about the company in Menlo Park, California, began to be known. He claimed that the 19% collapse of Facebook's shares the next day was due to violations of federal securities law by the defendants.

The measure is intended to become a clbad action and requires non-detailed compensation. A Facebook spokesman declined to comment

Shareholders generally sue companies in the United States after unexpected drops in stock prices, especially if the impairment loss is significant.

Facebook has faced a dozen lawsuits because of the manipulation of its users' data in the midst of a scandal involving the British company Cambridge Analytica. Many have been consolidated in a federal court in San Francisco.

The collapse of Thursday also affected Zuckerberg, who ranked fourth in the ranking of the world's richest people with Warren Buffett. But the current wealth of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s president reaches $ 83 billion and that of Facebook's head reaches $ 66 billion, Forbes said.

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