They went to hunt rhinos, found themselves devoured by a flock of lions


A flock of lions devoured at least three rhinoceros poachers in the Sibuya Animal Reserve in southeastern South Africa, according to Nick Fox, the owner of the reserve, on Facebook. The hunters reached the place last Monday at dawn. They were armed with a high powered rifle with a muffler and wire cutters. There, they were attacked by six lions and the next day a worker from the reserve found remains of their bodies.

Fox explained that everything indicates that the deceased had the intention of killing the rhinoceros to take their horns. But his plan was cut short by running into six lions. "They found themselves in the middle of a flock of lions and did not have a lot of time to react," said the owner of the reserve to France Presse.

Tuesday at 4:30 pm in the afternoon, one of the reserve guides found human remains and other objects in one of the areas frequented by lions. When Fox and workers from a poaching monitoring unit arrived in the area, they found the rifle, the gloves, the tongs and the remains of a backpack that contained food, water and other supplies in the interior. Immediately after they informed the police.
"It is clear that the poachers have fallen into the clutches of six lions and that some, if not all, have been killed," said Fox, adding that for now, the number of poachers killed is not clear. The owner of the reservation explained that clothes belonging to three different people were found. The forensic team of the police went to the scene to find clues that clarify the investigation.

Thousands of rhinos die every year in Africa, especially for their horns, highly appreciated by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. and the Vietnamese. On the African continent, there are about 5,000 black rhinos, including 1,900 in South Africa.

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