This is how Anthony Bourdain distributed his inheritance before his death


The deceased American leader Anthony Bourdain left much of his inheritance, estimated at about $ 1.21 million, to his daughter, Ariane, revealed some media quoting court documents.

The will, filed this Thursday in the Probate Court of New York, delivers most of the property to Ariane 11 years, and another part to Ottavia Busia-Bourdain The chief's wife, revealed Daily News and The New York Post.

Testamentary data cited by the two detailed versions which include $ 425,000 in cash and savings, $ 35,000 in brokerage account, $ 250,000 in personal property and $ 500,000 in badets intangible badets including royalties and surpluses.

Read here: This is the visit of Anthony Bourdain in Medellin in 2008

The document, written in 2016 shortly before Bourdain and Busia araran, does not include not a condominium that he acquired in 2014 in Manhattan with his wife of that time.

In addition, he mentions a mortgage of $ 1.1 million for a property

His ex-wife left him the accumulated miles as a frequent traveler and his "personal effects and "such as vehicles, furniture, books and other items, and asked him to dispose of them in accordance with

The versions detail that his daughter inherited the rest of his property [19659003] The court will choose a tutor for Ariane, since he is a minor, who will be responsible for keeping the management of his property. goods

Read here: The famous chef Anthony Bourdain dies

On June 8, Bourdain, 61, was found dead in his room in a luxury hotel in Kaysersberg (eastern France) by his friend and a French colleague Eric Ripert . [19659003] Bourdain was preparing a new issue of Parts Unknown for CNN television, the chef began his television career after a successful career as a chef in several New York restaurants, such as the famous Brbaderie Les Halles in Manhattan.

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