This is how the "plastic bags" that degrade in the water work


Six months after winning the SingularityU Chile Summit Entrepreneurship Contest, organized by NASA and Google University, Chilean creators of the first bag that melts into the water will travel to Silicon Valley for ten weeks to train and expand your business

The so-called "catalysts for change" by SingularityU Chile Summit, Roberto Astete and Alejandro Castro came by chance to Solubag . Four years ago, they came together to make a detergent, but they discovered a new idea: to create ecological bags. "It was a crazy idea that it took me over six months to understand that I wanted to make a bag that melted into water," Astete said in 19459004. In China and visits to the fairs of innovation, created a bag different from all the others: it degrades in the water and disintegrates in less than two minutes. The others, made of plastic, take 150 years. In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration tested the bags and certified that its consumption did not harm the body. Astete puts one in his mouth when he can, to show how it disappears at the slightest touch with saliva.

Astete badures that today Solubag is concentrated in Chile. But after 10 weeks, the place that focuses the most technology companies and innovation could change. "We are going to create a company in the United States," says Astete

. At Perfect Day, the creators of these bags tested their products and showed how the bags disappear in contact with cold water and hot water. Watch full video:

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