This will be the third national day of vaccination in Puerto Asis


Four vaccination sites were located in this locality

The staff of the vaccination zone of the Local Hospital of Puerto Asís is already ready for the Third National Immunization Day which will take place this Saturday, July 14 in this municipality. according to the directives of the Ministry of National Health.

From 8:00 am, the four vaccination points will be available in the Central Park of Puerto Asís, in the main headquarters of the Hospital and in the Health Posts of the Carmelita Road and the corregimiento of Santana

( The local hospital of Puerto Asís strengthens the transport services)

That day, the children will be vaccinated and the girls under 6 years, according to the national vaccination plan, pregnant women, women aged 10 to 49, girls aged 9 to 17 and adults can be vaccinated. 60 years

Also in this day will be applied the dose of seasonal flu vaccine that is only addressed to children under 2 years, adults over 60 years and pregnant women.

Health brigades arrive at the local populations of the Putumayo River in Puerto Asís

To access vaccination services, simply bring the map of vaccination with which vaccinators they will verify the doses to be applied by the child.

Health authorities emphasized the importance of fully vaccinating children to prevent various diseases during the first five years of life of children.

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