Uber overcomes controversy and makes 10,000 million trips


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Up to 2018, Uber has faced a long list of difficulties, from leadership issues to a tragic collision of one of its autonomous vehicles, which could clearly have become adverse factors in order to meet its maximum goal, which is to mobilize people between two points. In practice, it has become clear that the most important aspect for users remains the price and, in this sense, Uber is still the preferred option, as evidenced by its more than 10 trillion (10 billion) of completed trips, an impressive figure considering that the company has just been founded in 2010.

"At 22:12 GMT on Sunday 10 June, 173 trips and deliveries started simultaneously, completing more than 10 billion (10,000 million) trips, "reports Uber on his blog.

This figure, which includes both deliveries from Uber Eats, reflects the mbadive global presence of Uber, a company that has reached milestones of its presence in more than twenty countries on five continents, including including Latin America, which "took first place in the most simultaneous trips."

In the range of opportunities offered by the company, Uber Eats, whose service generates very data Specific, like trips made on June 10 at 10 am: 10 pm "In five different countries, we ate McDonald's, noodles, sushi, hamburgers and tacos."

According to statistics, Uber noted that his shortest tour of the time was a Uber Eats mile delivery, while the largest one was a 41-mile trip to the airport. Denver. But this is not the most surprising: despite being a global business, five of the 173 users hired the platform for the first time.

Uber positions itself as the clear dominator of the sector ahead of Lyft, the company's main competitor. the United States, which barely reached 500 million trips last October.

Only in 2017, Uber has totaled five billion (5,000 million) trips, making its last milestone a show of strength, since the service continues to grow despite regulation and increased competition in Europe and Asia.

Despite his findings, Uber faces many challenges in the United States and around the world: he will have to avoid cases such as badistant driver watching Hulu when one of his autonomous vehicles fatally hit a pedestrian in Arizona, as well as to solve legal problems, such as the controversial withdrawal of the license to operate in London

Since its founding in 2010, Uber has experienced intense years, but – aside from the 39, questioning – his vehicles are clearly on the road to success.

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