United States accelerates its economic growth to 4.1%, the fastest since 2014 | Donald Trump


The US economy had a super production in the second quarter, with a gross domestic product that grew 4.1 percent, its highest rate since 2014.

According to the report released by the Office of Economic Analysis (BEA), strong spending by consumers and businesses as well as increased exports boosted economic growth in the second quarter.

"We are on track to achieve the highest average annual growth rate. in 13 years "President Donald Trump said Friday, speaking of the southern garden of the White House.

" I will say it right away. I will say it vigorously, since trade agreements come one after the other, we are going to go beyond these numbers and they are large numbers. "

In addition to the good results of the second quarter, the Commerce Department badyzed the first quarter GDP, which went from 2% to 2.2%

The negative factors that affected the economic growth of this period were the investment in the private real estate and fixed residential investment.

Growth "was largely offset by a decline in inventories (-1.0pp) that seems to have occurred. to be reversed in the third quarter, "reported Goldman Sachs in a report.

On the other hand, growth in the second quarter was the fastest. The 4.9% increase recorded in the third quarter of 2014 and the third best growth rate since the economic recession of 2008.

Per capita consumption expenditure Business turnover grew by 4%, while business investment grew by 7.3% and public spending of 3.5%. 9659004] "We are on track to achieve average annual GDP growth above" Every point means one trillion dollars and 10 million jobs, "he said.

The president pointed out that the shrinking trade deficit was one of the "biggest wins" of the BEA report and "are very pleasing to me because we have been scammed by the world."

The trade deficit in the second quarter was reduced by $ 52 billion, adding 1.1 points

The results were "significantly stronger" than expected, according to Goldman Sachs in his report.

"This morning's data confirm that growth has accelerated and that inflation is approaching the goal," concludes Financial.

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