Until his own foundation, he let go of Albino's hand after his dangerous statements


Macri on the Sayings of the Albino

Such was the rejection that the words of Albino denied the effectiveness of the condom as a contraceptive method and for the prevention of badually transmitted diseases that up to At his own foundation he dropped his hand. 19659003] The Cooperator for Child Nutrition issued a statement Friday warning that " the above-mentioned statements were made by Dr. Abel Albino on a personal basis, not on behalf of the Conin Foundation and therefore they do not have the same effect. do not imply a position, nor do we share it as a foundation as such. "

And he continued:" Conin's unique and exclusive goal is the fight against child malnutrition in Argentina and the world through the study, teaching, dissemination, concrete prevention and treatment of malnutrition and child malnutrition in all its aspects and dimensions; other issues , such as the effectiveness of the aforementioned condom, have no relation to its purposes and functions and are not the subject of statements, studies or activities of the Foundation . "

Albino badured that the preserve if it serves "to protect itself from the diseases of badual transimisón and that" the AIDS virus crosses the porcelain ". " They must understand that prophylaxis does not protect life, protect it from harm, because the AIDS virus goes through porcelain, guys The AIDS virus is 500 times smaller than sperm So imagine what can happen with AIDS. "

For his controversial statements, the deputy Norma del Plá presented a draft resolution for the government to lower all the agreements that He has signed with Conin and for which he has transferred more than 90 million pesos in the last two years and he should transfer by the end of this year 121 million pesos extra for its operation. ] [ad_2]
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