users choose new experiences instead of products


By Marcela Rossi (*)

Big Data is a term that refers to large volumes of data that, thanks to certain treatments and badyzes, allow us to identify patterns of behavior. and interaction. Human These are the people who provide this information through the daily use of endless communication platforms.

This badysis of mbadive amounts of data helps to create applications that improve people's lives by facilitating, for example, in which they move in larger cities.

Big data is present daily because when you send a tweet, buy a product online or download a disc in iTunes, important information is provided, which is used for businesses, organizations and institutions. 19659002] Health

The health system is currently facing a wave of digital health data. The use of this patient information can help to detect diseases early and prevent them from occurring when they occur.

This breakthrough allows badysis of large amounts of information on health and lifestyle and, by artificial intelligence, based on Big Data

Smart Cities

Smart cities combine technologies to make life easier and more comfortable for people. Buildings can conserve heat more efficiently, and even generate energy, while their institutions centralize systems and operate more fluidly.

Thanks to Big Data, pbadengers can follow the bus, train and metro routes in real time and plan their movements precisely. Electronic signs are also used at transit stops to display the arrival time of each transportation.

Driverless cars using a GPS approach and several sensors are more sophisticated.

Sport: Technology helps to better understand what is happening in the body

At the moment, everyone can monitor their activity as a professional athlete . Technologies applied to clothing and mobile applications that monitor exercise can be very helpful, using individual performance data to develop appropriate physical activity plans and achieve optimal health.

The number of steps and distance traveled, heart rate, calories consumed, as well as sleep patterns and atmospheric pressure can be controlled and monitored by smart watches and bracelets such as Sportwatch SP- 1 and Banghó SB-1 Smartband. With this information gathered, it is possible to identify areas in which, by modifying a behavior, would increase the chances of achieving important goals in terms of health.


The presence of smartphones and computers coexists and is reinforced by the communications revolution, influencing the buying behavior. Digital experiences help to persuade knowledgeable buyers by radically improving the buying process.

Large companies capture information about the top-selling items in each store and purchase these products according to their demand. While price remains important, successful retailers are evolving towards a personalized and more effective experience.

Much of what we consider normal today seems unlikely a few years ago. With hindsight, you can often detect various transformations facilitated by Big Data that will undoubtedly continue to surprise us for the future

(*) Banghó Marketing Manager

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