Vaccination Day throughout the municipality


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Parents must be responsible and take their child to school." It's time to catch up vaccines, so we invite you to the big National Immunization Day that will be held today from 8:00 to 16:00. : 00 in the afternoon, "the promoters of the day of health said in a statement

The places where the event will take place are the Metro warehouse on the l '. Los Caneyes Avenue, El Consuelo Park, Rincón de Girón lower part, common room in La Aldea district, IPS Comultrasan, located in 37th Street of El Poblado district.

Target audience: children under six, girls aged 9 to 17, pregnant women, seniors, minors between 2 and 10 years of age who do not have triple viral eq.

The authorities will also jointly develop the "Smarter Generation" program, which will focus on the oral health of children, youth and adults.

The activity will start at the same time and at the same places on the day of vaccination. [19659008] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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