Vitamins: essential to keep the immune system strong when returning to class


School age is one of the most immune-sensitive, as students are exposed daily to viruses and bacteria, dirt, pollution, climate change, poor diet and stress. This is a disturbing reality for many parents looking to protect their children from risk factors, as well as illness and absenteeism in clbad.

Prevention and healthy lifestyle habits are essential for children. ready to face these situations. In addition to maintaining good hygiene and encouraging physical activity, parents should pay close attention to the nutrition of their children and offer them functional foods that ensure their intake. of all the vitamins and nutrients they need to stay healthy. In particular, vitamins C, D and Zinc are essential for maintaining high defenses.

In many cases, it is not possible to incorporate all the necessary vitamins into the body in the daily diet of children. protect the three lines of defense of the immune system. Therefore, Bayer is committed to providing an innovative solution that helps strengthen their defenses so that students can enjoy their school days without health problems: Redoxitos Total, the only gelatin containing vitamins C, D and Zinc in a single rubber. It is a solution that offers a better life to children and adults in an easy and fun way.

According to Dr. Carlos Fernández Newball, Bayer's Medical Advisor, "Children have a more sensitive immune system. and are more exposed to pollution, dirt, excess sugar, germs and allergies, among others, and it's an innovative way to offer them a food that they like and help them prevent diseases and strengthen their immune system. A single gum contains two essential vitamins and zinc to protect each of the defense lines of the immune system because a strong immune system is essential for good health. "

The expert also says that factors affecting the immune system

  • Lifestyle
  • Low Diet
  • Climate Change
  • Contact with Other People
  • Contamination
  • Age or stages of life
  • Stress
  • Respiratory infections [19659007] Cigarette or alcohol
  • Cold and flu

What is vitamin C, D and zinc?

Vitamin C: provides support for the skin and mucous membranes, our first line of immune defense

The body can not produce vitamin C by itself, nor the Therefore, it is important to include many foods that contain this vitamin in the daily diet.This vitamin is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. for:

  • Form an important protein, used to produce skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels.
  • Healing wounds and forming scar tissue.
  • Repairing and maintaining cartilage, bones and
  • Assisting the absorption of iron
  • Promotes normal collagen formation
  • Contributes to the production of normal energy that produces metabolism
  • Reduces fatigue and fatigue
  • Supports normal psychological functions
  • Helps maintain the functions of the immune system during and after physical activities
  • It is also an antioxidant, c & # 39; that is to say that it blocks some of the damage caused by free radicals. The accumulation of free radicals over time is largely responsible for the aging process.

Vitamin D, Calcium and Bone Health

According to a Colombian Consensus Study on Vitamin D, Colombians have a high deficiency in this vitamin. This situation prevails because of lack of exposure to sunlight, low concentration of vitamin D in foods, overweight, metabolic syndrome and inability to take supplements, among other causes .

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