Walking for hope for ALS patients


With a walk in Bogota Lake Park and Flags Park, in Medellin this Sunday will be commemorated the World Day of Fighting ELA, event organized by the Colombian Association of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Acela, who seeks to give visibility to this disease under the slogan "A vision of hope."

According to the internist doctor José Guillermo Ruíz, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive and degenerative neurological disease that affects neurons specialized in voluntary movements, known as motoneurons or motoneurons.

These neurons that send nerve impulses to the muscles, when they are damaged, end up causing great atrophy, which is responsible for muscle paralysis. voluntary movements There is a significant weakness in the legs in the arms, finally it reaches paralysis and also affects the muscles of breathing, phonation and swallowing. This is perhaps the most devastating of all neurodegenerative disorders.

"We can say that there are two forms of ALS, a family where the cause is a damage in certain specific chromosome genes that lead to the alteration of the production of certain antioxidant enzymes, and a another which is sporadic of unknown cause, which is presented in 90% of cases, different theories have been advanced involving neurotoxic substances such as heavy metals, environmental factors, small and repetitive traumas, as happens with athletes, viral infections and some alterations of the immune system, "says the specialist.

The symptoms can be very varied, depending on the part of the body affected. In general, it is initially manifested by weakness of muscles and voluntary movements, especially hands and legs. In the hands, it manifests with difficulty to perform daily movements, such as combing, buttoning, opening a tap. And in the legs, weakness leads to frequent falls, difficulty walking and changes in walking habits.

He adds that when the disease affects the musculature responsible for phonation and swallowing, it shows difficulties with food, articulation of words, voice alterations, repeated pneumonias and the risk of aspiration. The disease is progressive until finally the patient is immobile, there is a respiratory insufficiency by a compromise of the diaphragm, which is the main respiratory muscle. The disease does not affect sphincter control, sensitivity, or the intellectual part, being one of the best-known cases of British scientist Stephen Hawking.

The diagnosis is based on the results of the physical examination with the presence of upper and lower motor neuron compromise, the importance of early diagnosis, since it allows to initiate a multidisciplinary treatment for to slow down the frequent, painful and incapacitating complications.

From diagnosis to complete treatment

ELA belongs to the group of orphan diseases, it is estimated that in the world is one or two cases per 100,000 population, occurs between the fourth and seventh decade of life, is more common among men than women, in Colombia, there are about 850 cases, according to the figures of ACELA The Colombian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis says Dr. Martha Peñ

In a disease that has no treatment, but through a complex and multidisciplinary work can help improve the quality of life of patients, which includes the work of a neurologist, who, with the support of a pharmacological treatment, it can slow the course of the disease, accompanied by physiotherapy, respiratory, language and occupational therapy, in addition to nutritional treatment for the management of the constipation and malnutriti without leaving aside the psychological and emotional part which is also very important.

Family support is essential because they are patients who can quickly achieve a significant degree of disability, which makes it not only a difficult process for the patient, but also for his family, for this reason it is recommended to seek physical and emotional support from an badociation and a multidisciplinary group, says Elizabeth Rodríguez, Secretary of the ACELA Board of Directors.

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