Walter López: "I was on the verge of losing my life" | News from El Salvador


Last Saturday in the evening, the guard Águila, Wálter López lived one of the most difficult moments of his life, following an accident near San Vicente. He was accompanied by the kinesiologist of the campus migueleño, David Platero who died a few minutes after the incident .

López was transferred to a health center. They intervened and it was until Thursday evening that he received a medical discharge, which did not stop to surprise him, because he states that even in the morning he had low rates of potbadium. For the moment it is three months to reach recovery . He thinks he can play again at the end of the 2018 opening.

  • "I have not been diagnosed by the doctor, he just came from tell me that he was waiting for my stitches. " a life lesson I am alive, thank God, glory and honor for him The doctor told me that at one point he thought I was going (dead ) I have bowels perforated by the belt I had a blood vessel destroyed, for a moment I was about to lose my life, "said the guardian in a conversation with EL GRÁFICO

Later, Lopez thanked the leaders of Águila, led by Alexander Menjívar, because he had been waiting for his sanitary situation. " I do not know how much of time I will be out of the field Aguila's management has already asked me if I needed anything.
Later, Lopez reported that a few moments after the accident. but it was impossible.

"I was with unbearable abdominal pain, people who were in the place advised me to lie down," said Lopez, who said he was operated on in a public hospital.

" This accident is a life lesson .I felt horrible when the doctor told me that he felt that I was leaving .It was a traumatic situation to share with patients who have lost a leg I am grateful to God, "Wálter López, Águila's guardian.


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