What comes after the census of Venezuelans in the city? The Dadis explains | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


In order to indicate a way of attention to the Venezuelan population, the District of Cartagena meets the Migration Colombia to start with the proposed work tables after the closure of the Administrative Registry of Venezuelan Migrants (RAMV ).

Antonio Sagbini, director of Dadis, explained that the main purpose of these tables is to define the skills of each entity and establish the rights that the brothers of the neighboring country who live in the city have and will. These people who have entered the census have become beneficiaries of a series of rights that, for example, go beyond the mandatory care of vital emergencies and allow them to enjoy the benefits of being affiliated to a subsidized health plan.

The grievor added that, with respect to vital emergencies, the SPI must adequately bill the value of the services provided by each health entity, so that funds are collected by the Ministry of Health. Health and Social Protection, allowing resources to come back to them.

The Days of Integral Attention in Health that Dadis advance in different areas of the city and its corregimientos, benefit to the local population in the same way as the Venezuelan community, which can access any and all of them. offers that prevention and health offers to the entity, which includes, vaccination of the population at risk of complications, specific case of children, pregnant women and seniors, as well as campaigns education for the promotion of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.

Sagbini made an urgent appeal to all the population to be vaccinated against the epidemics they had already eradicated from the country, but with the migration of people arriving without control and with incomplete vaccination programs, they resumed.

For all, vaccines are also free, and this is the only way to prevent disability or death from diseases such as meningitis, polio, measles, among others.

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