What will be your week: Horoscope from July 15 to 21


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ARIES 21/3 to 20/4

Mars in Aquarius promises friends en mbade. In love, the obstacles.

Love: Venus does not accompany her sentimentally. Injuries still hurt. Until you can forgive, avoid reliving past situations.

Money: Leader in the study and trade. This will exceed the expectations of your colleagues and superiors. Good environment

Key of the week: Leave the forms aside if any request to be defined.

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Aries in the horoscope of the day.

TAURUS 21/4 to 21/5

Romantic, dreamy and seductive thanks to Venus in Virgo. Bliss

Love: The realization of this stage will be a close and lasting union. You must find agreements before making changes at home. In communion.

Silver : Closes a deal but with obstacles because Mercury is in an unfavorable sign. It needs to be reorganized.

Key of the Week : Moderation is a Bet on Good Luck

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Bull in the horoscope of the day.

GEMINI 22/5 to 21/6

Mercury in Leo helps in study, business and travel.

Love: Couple problems that can generate a crisis. They will celebrate a better time, but while Venus does not accompany, it will be better to give in.

Money: He is in a prolonged financial captivity. It will make interesting investments or incorporate technology.

Key of the week: Are you calling it into question? Ignore those who do not provide solutions.

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Gemini in the horoscope of the day.

CANCER 22/6 to 23/7

Venus favorable to initiate or consolidate a romantic relationship.

Love: The attraction and the affection are imposed. For solos, new encounters. For those who are already in a couple a lot of understanding and good skin.

Silver: Unexpected turn in business. Be careful because it will cost you to cover as much expenses. A colleague excited

Key of the week: Covers your needs and leaves the luxury for later.

More about
Cancer in the horoscope of the day.

LEO 24/7 to 23/8

Mars and Mercury favor with a contribution of a lot of work success.

Love: Lost in the emotional, by the effect of Venus in the Virgin. Avoid negative thoughts. Some close affections will be unconditional

Money: Try to take advantage of all the opportunities that arise. Do not invest in advance.

Key of the Week: Being direct, it's acting, acting with freedom.

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I have read in the horoscope of the day.

VIRGO 24/8 to 23/9

Venus in your sign is a blessing. The union in the couple will give him strength.

Love: Great personal moment, you will feel an unexpected security at the moment of the conquest. He attacks because he has to win. A lot of desire

Silver: It will progress in the medium term but for the moment it will make a big effort without receiving its well deserved reward.

Key of the Week: Knowing how to listen is a talent, not what wasted.

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Virgo in the horoscope of the day

LIBRA 24/9 to 23/10

You want to reach a love agreement. But Adverse Venus complicates everything.

Love: He will not be in the mood to seduce, a certain withdrawal will differ from a promising encounter. Third-party interference disturbs him a lot.

Money: Pushing and creativity are his key. Keep some old patterns, without being hurt.

Key of the week: On trial. Use your genius for improvisation.

More about
Balance in the horoscope of the day.

SCORPIO 24/10 to 22/11

Mercury does not promote it commercially although in love Venus saves it.

Love: Very close to the chosen person, whatever the others say. The good communication of the couple helps together to advance

Money: Do not be too demanding with your collaborators because it will be a complex week that they will have to cross serenely.

Key of the Week: Avoid badociating with people without references.

More about
Scorpio in the horoscope of the day

SAGITTARIUS 23/11 to 22/12

Mars in Aquarius lights a warning voice. Reveal omens

Love: The physical attraction in the couple is intense but also the debate. Your proposals will be received effusively: the direction badured.

Money: As much he eats away worry does not rush the times. Good income thanks to successful business.

Key of the week: Do not leave everything to chance, take care of the organization.

More about
Sagittarius in the horoscope of the day

CAPRICORN 23/12 to 20/1

Venus in Virgo promises a lot of affection and activates her quiet social life.

Love: The key is to dream of two. The most daring fantasies come true. Good omens for those who marry or change their boyfriend.

Money: The ideas are interesting but the lack of money slows some projects.

Key of the Week: Join real-life people, but listen to their hearts.

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Capricorn in the horoscope of the day

AQUARIUS 21/1 to 19/2

Few sentimental novelties, but very good at work.

Love: You may have to distance yourself from a very possessive relationship. Couple communication a bit difficult but not quite impossible.

Silver: Conditions are in place to prosper. Your financial actions will be good, follow your instinct!

Key of the Week: If you focus on what you are looking for, you will surely find it.

More information on
Aquarius in the horoscope of the day

PISCIS 20/2 to 20/3

Venus in her opposite sign affects the links. Attraction and Fights

Love: Something or something shakes the foundations of his present magnet. Listen carefully to the demands of your people, it is the key to the meeting.

Silver: What you build will only be sustained in time if the base on which it rests is firm. Do not walk on the wrong

Key of the week: Go away slowly, if he runs, he will lose sight of his horizon.

More about
Pisces in the horoscope of the day

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