Whatsapp: Meet "Momo", terrifying "evil entity" that scares millions of users | Facebook | momo | Japan | Instagram | trends


Meet Momo "The Evil Entity" that has scared millions of users on WhatsApp in recent days. This terrifying character is a "ruthless malevolent entity", which, in the style of Samara (El Aro), seeks to kill anyone who dares to write his number on a mobile phone. Added to this, this "creature" can get your personal information and this way, find out where you are in order to attack you. Do you still want to know what it is? if you are not afraid, then read this note.

All this began when a Facebook user posted a number accompanied by a distress message on his profile. This figure was +81 3-4510-253 and it had something very special, it belonged to Japan curious, is not it?

The number in question started with +81, a postal code that belongs to the Nippon country, so it was quickly recognized. Seeing these codes on Facebook, users decided to add them to their WhatsApp, but they were surprised when they saw the profile picture since they did not find a ordinary person, but kind of a clever monster

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Eyes about to leave the basins, penetrating look that generates the sensation of # 39; be observed, and a cadaverous face, was the profile photo of WhatsApp which is capable of bristling the skin of the most sensitive

Users say this entity is called "Momo" and is able to answer you in any language. A surfer decided to write threatening messages that would annoy anyone. This person did not know that "Momo" was stealing his personal information from all his social networks, so the monster was showing him personal images of him who even eliminated them.

It should be noted that the image of " Momo " belongs to a sculpture which was created by a young woman named "Barbirena" ]] and it is possible that the hacker stole the identity of this abstract being for perverse purposes.

  momo "data-entity-type =" "data-entity-uuid =" "src =" https://s3.amazonaws.com/glr-fileserver/ Larepublica / 2018/07/13 / momo - 1531506214. png "/> </p>
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