Which Latin American countries are best prepared for 5G?


Mobile Internet Technology 5G and the Internet of Things is advancing at an accelerated pace around the world and could be the new standard for short-term telecommunications, but how is it prepared? ? Latin America before this reality?

Mexico collapses in the world ranking of Internet speed for mobile phones

Deloitte information technology consultant, in collaboration with the Telecommunications Studies Center in Latin America (cet.la), has published a ranking on which countries in the region are best prepared for the integration of technologies 5G and IoT and we are afraid to inform you that Mexico is not not even at the top of the list.

According to the report of Deloitte and The country with the greatest technological progress is Chile, followed by Costa Rica, Uruguay and Brazil. Only until the fifth site in the region appears Mexico; Argentina, Colombia, Jamaica and Peru follow it

The rating awarded by Deloitte ranges from 1 to 10 and the best qualified in the world was United States 6.83 points in your rating; the Latin American leader, Chile, scored 4.43 while Mexico was almost half of the United States. with 3.78 points earned

According to the Chilean newspaper Diario Financiero, research has evaluated different variables such as infrastructure, technology adoption, regulation, innovation capacity, the political and economic situation and educational skills.

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