WHO warns that Europe is the only region where new HIV infections are increasing


In its most recent global report, the World Health Organization (WHO) has alerted European authorities because it is the only region where new HIV infections are increasing.

HIV infections that were diagnosed in 2016, nearly 80% of them occurred in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Pixabay

The World Health Organization (WHO) has alerted at the 22nd AIDS Conference, which is the only region where new HIV infections are increasing. 19659005] And that is, of the 160 000 new HIV infections that were diagnosed in 2016, nearly 80% of them were in European countries. Central and Eastern Asia . In addition, it was detected that in 2017, about a fifth of people living with HIV in Europe are unaware of their infection, a quarter of them in the EAPS, and when they are diagnosed it is usually late.

"This translates into a delay in treatment, excess of morbidity and mortality related to AIDS, and feeds on the transmission of the current virus.The time to accelerate our efforts is now, "said Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe

for which reason she called for" urgent "collective action in line with the Sustainable Development Program at the World Health Organization. 2030 and other regional and global policy frameworks. "We will not be able to achieve the goals of sustainable development if we can not reverse the impact of HIV and stop his epidemic, "he warned

Priorities for action against infection [19659006] In collaboration with representatives of international and non-governmental organizations, the ministers of Health and policy makers exchanged experiences innovative, evidence-based HIV prevention responses that are effective, efficient and financially sustainable, with a view to adapting and expanding them.

Examples ranged from the introduction of integrated models of people-centered HIV services to innovative and inclusive HIV prevention and screening, HIV treatment and care, to elimination. of HIV transmission from mother to child.

As a result of the dialogue, participants identified priorities for action to accelerate HIV infection in CEEA countries, for example, strengthening collaboration between sectors and works in partnership with civil society and people living with HIV. Priority actions also include the effective use of national funds and the focus on the most affected populations.

Finally, the WHO presented the "Compendium of Good Practice " in the response of the health sector. HIV Health in the WHO European Region which counts 52 successful examples from 32 countries in the region, categorized according to the five priority areas of the Plan d'O Action for the Health Sector Response to HIV in the European Region of WHO: HIV prevention; HIV testing and treatment; reduction of AIDS-related deaths; reduction of discrimination; "To accelerate progress in the European Region of WHO to end AIDS as a threat to public health by 2030, we hope that Member States and partners will use this compendium is a unique resource to support, replicate and spread these good and similar good practices, "said Masoud Dara, Communicable Disease Coordinator at WHO / Europe.

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