Why are you removing lots of the Valsartan drug?


Valsartan, a drug used for patients with hypertension, is under the supervision of the National Institute for Food and Drug Monitoring (INVIMA), after international agencies have put in place guard against the possible presence of carcinogens. the drugs that this active substance has which are provided by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals.

"The Ndma substance has been clbadified as possibly carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and has been shown in tobacco smoke, some processed foods and some toiletries", reads the document in which Invima has notified the recall of these medicines.

In addition, Invima explained that those who consume this type of medication today they should not suspend them, but recommended to consult their treating physician to define what to do, a treatment abrupt can have serious consequences for your health. "

The Institute, in an update of the alert, explained that there were 33 batches of 12 laboratories that were identified, including Altadis, Lafrancol, MK Laboratories, Sanofi-Aventis, Tecnoquímicas, among others.We have detected that 13 out of 35 laboratories that have a sanitary registry contain Ndma, the substance on alert.The remaining 19 are good, "said the director of the Institute, Javier Guzmán .

In order to track what might happen, Invima asked for institutional programs – local and departmental – for pharmacovigilance, which "reports adverse events badociated with this alert to the national program."

Claudia Vaca Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the National University, explained that the decision of Invima was "fair, fast and preventative" because it takes into account warnings issued by international agencies .

The expert also points out that patients were not at risk because the "quantities with which the drugs can be contaminated can be very low" and, furthermore, in the market, there is more bidders to acquire them again.

Another point that distinguishes Vaca is that "thanks to these alerts, the manufacturers will have a much more careful control than the one that is made to prevent the substance from being found in this drug."

teacher mentions that this type of situation occurs when the drugs are synthesized, because "there may be leftovers of substance", which forces to suspend its marketing, as did the international agencies and l & # 39; Invima.

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