Withdraws Ritz Cookies Batches in the United States UU for Salmonella Contamination


This Sunday, in a statement, the multinational Mondelez International announced the recall of several batches of popular Ritz biscuits throughout the United States due to the presence of Salmonella.

According to the company, the supplier of milk powder, one of the ingredients of the biscuits, reported "the potential presence of Salmonella", so he decided to remove the products that could have been contaminated of the market.

These include, in addition to traditional presentations of Ritz cookies, cheese sandwiches and bacon cookies, such as the Cracker Variety Cookie Mix. In total, 16 product presentations from Mondelez were affected by the alert and removed.

The company warned that although "there has been no sickness complaint regarding these products, this withdrawal is made as a precaution, based on the advice given by the supplier."

It also called the people who had acquired these products in the previous days: "should not eat them, and should throw them."

Dangerous for children and the elderly

Salmonella is a microphone -organism that can cause serious, sometimes fatal infections in children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. Healthy people and adults may experience fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting due to their infection. In some cases, more severe conditions may occur if this bacteria enters the circulatory system.

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