Without a clear north the stock markets of Latin America have closed mixed session


Without a clear north, the Latin American stock markets ended up blending today unlike Wall Street, its main benchmark, which closed in green and waiting for the results of some key companies for the parquet that will be announced.

Wall Street closed with gains after the industrial Dow Jones rose 0.58% and ended at 24,919.66 full.

In addition, the selective S & P 500 grew by 0.35% and was established at 2,793.84 units

and the Nasdaq composite index, in which are included. Major groups in the technology sector, gained 0.04% and ended at 7,759.20 points.

In today 's session, investors were optimistic the quarterly results that will be released by some key market companies at the end of the week.

One of the highlights of the day was with Tesla, who signed an agreement with the Shanghai Municipal Government to build a vehicle badembly plant. On the other hand, in Latin America, it was known that the Chilean government had increased its forecast of gross domestic product (GDP) growth for this year to 3.8%.
"Chile's growth will still look like global growth," said Chilean Finance Minister Felipe Larraín

In Argentina, it was reported that foreign tourist arrivals by air rose in May to 191,000, an increase from year to year of 4.8%, and accumulated in the year total 1.09 million, 5.8% more than in the same period of 2017.

And Petróleos Mexicanos ( Pemex) filed a complaint after learning that a group of people are committing fraud claiming to be corporate executives, saying that "they have permission to sell at a preferential price all types of hydrocarbons ".

Weighted mainly by the poor performance of Petrobras and Vale, the São Paulo Stock Exchange, or a 0.22% drop, and its Ibovespa index closed at 74.847 points, after realizing R $ 10.858 million (approximately $ 2.857 million) ).

The largest economy in Latin America was affected by high values ​​and market warnings against the instability of the Brazilian political scenario before a possible release of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

The Mexican index of prices and quotations fell 0.5% and closed at 48,990.92 units, after a purchase of 18,689 million Mexican pesos (about $ 987.2 million).

The Santiago Stock Exchange recorded a marginal minimum of 0.04% in its main index, the IPSA, which closed at 5,323.29 for 75,073,265,981 Chilean pesos (about 116,032 million dollars)

The Lima index ended at 20,019.89 points after registering a decrease of 0.38%, during a session during which 21,696,088 soles were traded $ 6,610,630]

The coreal ended up with an increase of 0.28% and stood at a total of 27,688.13, after doing business with 442.23 million Argentine pesos (about 15 , $ 9 million).

The Colombian Stock Exchange recorded a marginal advance of 0.37% and ended at 1,561.16 units, during a day of movements for 138,138.37 million Colombian pesos (approximately $ 46.3 million).

The Montevideo index rose 1% and rose to 109.48 points, after having made transactions equivalent to 166 654 570 Uruguayan pesos (approximately $ 5 305 711).

The evolution of Latin American stock exchanges is as follows:

Market Closing Points
SAO PAULO -0.22% 74.847
MEXICO -0.5% 48.990.92
BUENOS AREAS + 0.28% 27,688.13
SANTIAGO -0, 04% 5,323.29
COLOMBIA + 0.37% 1,561.16
LIMA -0.38% 20,019.89
MONTEVIDEO + 1% 109.48

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