World debt reaches a record 247 bdd in the first quarter: IIF • Forbes México


Reuters. – Total debt in developed and emerging markets monitored by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) reached a record $ 247 billion (b / d) in the first quarter of 2018, an 11.1% higher that

The report released Tuesday by IIF, a global banking lobby group said that the proportion of debt to gross domestic product (GDP) countries, which include the industrialized countries of Grupo de los Siete and most of emerging economies rose to 318%

The rise in the debt-to-GDP ratio is the first since the third quarter of 2016.

You can also read: The global economy will expand in 2018 to levels never seen in eight years

"With the loss of momentum for global growth and with more divergent expansion, and rates steadily rising in the United States, concerns about credit and they are rising even in mature economies, said IIF

Since December 2015, the US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates seven times between 1.75 and 2.00%, and further increases are expected.

The debt of households and non-financial corporations rose to 186 bdd in the first quarter of 2018. Financial sector debt reached a record level of 61 bdd.

High Debt in Non-Financial Sectors They may be problematic, but it is unlikely that they will turn into a debt crisis similar to that of a decade ago, said the Executive Director from IFI, Hung Tran, to reporters

. the household sector, in the general government sector with very high debt levels, will have a hard time refinancing itself and asking for more loans to support investment and consumption at home. future, "Tran said.

Emerging markets grew $ 2.5 billion to a record $ 58.5 billion in the first quarter

Floating Rate Investors Face the Biggest Risks because of rising interest rates, said IIF. [ad_2]
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