Writer Junot Díaz Denies Sexual Harassment Charges


Boston. Junot Diaz ruled on the charges against him of badual misconduct. The Boston Globe reported that Diaz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, vehemently denied the allegations of women accusing him of inappropriate behavior with them.

Díaz said it does not sound like "in my life, all that is me"

Writer Zinzi Clemmons and other writers have recently shared stories about the behavior of the # 39; writer. She badured that Diaz had kissed her by force several years ago; Other women cited occasions when they felt verbally abused. The author, who said he takes responsibility for his past actions, continues as a teacher and publisher at the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and at the Boston Review after separate investigations. One of the major publishers of the Boston Review said the charges against Diaz did not have the "kind of gravity" that animated the #MeToo movement.

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