Young people die of H1N1 flu in Valledupar | ELESPECTADOR.COM


Departmental Health Secretary, Manuel Navarro Rada, spoke of the case where a young woman died after being diagnosed, by the National Institute of Health (INS), with the H1N1

Hospital The Candelaria, Magdalena. Courtesy

The fatal victim of the H1N1 flu was identified as Michelle García, originally from the municipality of El Banco, Magdalena . The 18-year-old woman died on June 23 at a clinic in Valledupar, where she was transferred due to her critical health condition after staying at La Candelaria Hospital in El Banco.

The Secretary of Health ] Manuel Navarro Rada noted that the virus is present in the department of Magdalena and that this case is not the only suspect. " Although the department is ready to deal with this kind of contingency, it is important to be constantly vigilant in hospitals and social enterprises of the state, to make diagnoses timely and take preventive measures. (Read: Confirm three cases of influenza AH1N1 in Norte de Santander

Virus A subtype H1N1, manifested similar to influenza, but reflecting signs such as nasal secretions, fever of 38 degrees, joint pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation and loss of consciousness, deserves the attention of specialists.

According to versions of their relatives, the case of Michelle García has been treated as a normal flu, she was transferred twice to a She was diagnosed as a cold, but due to the deterioration of her health, they took her to another hospital.

Before d & rsquo; # 39, and sent to Valledupar, she received the necessary tests to know if it was flu, these tests were sent to the National Institute of Health (INS). After 10 days they sent the result, García came out positive to the influenza A virus subtitle ipo H1N1 or influenza A H1N1

The message from the health authorities is that there is a population vulnerable to the H1N1 virus, namely children from 6 months to 4 years, adults over 65, people with renal or metabolic insufficiency, with chronic conditions of the pulmonary or cardiovascular system or children and teenagers taking medications such as aspirin.

The prevention mechanisms are: to avoid direct contact with the sufferer, to wash their hands very well, not to touch their mouths, to use disposable masks or tissues.

Manuel Navarro Rada, considered essential the link of the community so that the measures of prevention are effective. "Although there is an immunization program applying the influenza vaccine, it is necessary to work interinstitutionally, hospital directors were asked to spread the word about all the recommendations that they have given us since 1945. Ministry of Health, and to this we must add community leaders, family parents and teachers to deal with the H1N1 flu.

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