YouTube viral: Marilyn Manson stripped a Peruvian fan in concert | video | Spain | Peru | flag | Shows


He did not put a dent on the request. In the YouTube social network, a video featuring the American singer Marilyn Manson and a Peruvian fan has arrived at the "Download Festival Madrid", which takes place in Spain.

In the shared recording in YouTube you can see a fan, with an unknown identity up to now, wearing a black polo of a group and next to three girls wearing posters and poles with the face of Marilyn Manson . YOU CAN READ: What does Marilyn Manson look like without makeup?

The Peruvian firmly held a Peruvian flag. When he is on stage, singer Marilyn Manson approaches him and orders him while he takes the national symbol with his hands.

A few seconds pbad and the fan removes his polo and stays still while the performer of "Tainted love" covers his body with the Peruvian flag. This act was greeted with applause and shouts from the audience

During the presentation of the song 'KILL4ME', Marilyn Manson walked around the stage and laughed when she looked at the Peruvian. On several occasions, we see them jumping together and shaking hands playing the theme of their album "Heaven upside down", released in 2017.

Shared viral video on the social network YouTube He has already added several reproductions. Many have wondered who is the Peruvian who managed to get on stage to be next to Marilyn Manson and show the flag that represents our country.

Here we share the video that collected various reactions on the social network. [19659002]

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