Colon Cancer Awareness Month; here are the symptoms


EAU CLAIRE (WQOW) – March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and on Friday people wear blue to raise awareness of the disease.

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women in the United States, but it is preventable and curable if caught early enough.

HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital nurse Michael Lucore said the most important thing to watch out for is changes in weight and bowel movements, especially when there has been no change in diet. and the way of life.

People should start getting screened for colon cancer when they are 40 or 50, but Lucore said it’s essential to be open and honest with your doctor if you have symptoms sooner. .

“You can see and recognize some of the early signs and symptoms of it, and have this honest conversation with your doctor,” Lucore said.

HSHS officials say the following symptoms of colon cancer

  • Blood in or on the stool
  • Recurring changes in normal bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation for no known reason
  • Thinning of stool
  • Increased stomach discomfort (bloating, gas, feeling full and / or cramps that last more than a few days)
  • A feeling that the intestine is not emptying completely
  • Weight loss for unknown reason
  • Constant and unexplained fatigue


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