Colorado’s healthcare system literally wants the unvaccinated to die


UCHealth of Colorado denies woman a vital kidney transplant because she is not vaccinated. And as you’ll read below, the UCHealth system doesn’t even deny that it does.

Here is the master key:

A Colorado woman with stage 5 kidney disease was months away from having a new kidney. Now she and her donor are looking for another hospital after learning about UCHealth’s new policy.

According to UCHealth, the majority of transplant recipients and living donors must now be vaccinated against COVID-19. Neither woman received her injections.

As you know, I have this theory that the organized left wants unvaccinated people (whom they see as Trump supporters) to stay unvaccinated and die. So this story about Colorado’s UCHealth system is what I would describe as my smoking gun.

People arrive for the Covid-19 vaccination during a drive-through installation at Coors Field baseball stadium on January 30, 2021, in Denver, Colorado.  - UCHealth, the organizer and largest healthcare provider in Colorado, has set a goal of vaccinating 10,000 people over the weekend.  (Photo by Chet Strange / AFP) (Photo by CHET STRANGE / AFP via Getty Images)

People arrive for the Covid-19 vaccination during a drive-through installation at Coors Field baseball stadium on January 30, 2021, in Denver, Colorado. – UCHealth, the organizer and largest healthcare provider in Colorado, has set a goal of vaccinating 10,000 people over the weekend. (Photo by CHET STRANGE / AFP via Getty Images)

Leilani Lutali has end-stage kidney disease, which means her kidneys are around 12% functioning. Its donor is a personal friend, a woman named Jaimee Fougner. Both women are Christians and oppose the vaccine due to the use of fetal cells, which are not in the vaccine, but some replicated cells were used by Moderna and Pfizer during the testing phase.

But think about it … Not vaccinated AND Christians?!?! Certainly Trump supporters. The request for your life to be saved is hereby DENIED!

Additionally, and this is extremely important, Lutali says she has had COVID in the past and has tested positive for antibodies. This is called natural immunity.

So other than wanting to die from unvaccinated Trump supporters, what are the possible reasons Colorado’s UCHealth system is denying this woman a vital organ transplant?

Well, you could argue that rationing is part of the system when it comes to organ transplants. After all, there are only a limited number of organs, and sometimes hospitals are forced to make tough decisions about who gets them, and that decision is usually made about who will live longer.

For example, an unreformed 65-year-old alcoholic will not have a kidney until a healthy 20-year-old.

But rationing is not the issue here. Lutali has found his own donor, his own kidney, and his donor does not offer that kidney on the open market. This woman is ready to save a friend’s life. Thus, Lutali’s kidney transplant would not come at the expense of anyone else.

Okay, so maybe Colorado’s healthcare system is overloaded with COVID patients and triage is needed.

Nope. This is not a problem in Colorado.

Workers prepare for a Covid-19 vaccination campaign at Coors Field baseball stadium on January 30, 2021 in Denver, Colorado.  - UCHealth, the organizer and largest healthcare provider in Colorado, has set a goal of vaccinating 10,000 people over the weekend.  (Photo by Chet Strange / AFP) (Photo by CHET STRANGE / AFP via Getty Images)

Workers prepare for a Covid-19 vaccination campaign at Coors Field baseball stadium on January 30, 2021 in Denver, Colorado. – (Photo by CHET STRANGE / AFP via Getty Images)

Finally, staff can’t worry about catching COVID from these two. After all, the staff are vaccinated and the vaccine is working.

Here is, by far, the hospital’s dumbest argument:

Multiple studies show that covid-19 is particularly deadly for kidney transplant recipients. [UCHealth Spokesman Dan] Weaver said the observed death rate for transplant patients who develop covid-19 ranges from about 20% to over 30% – far higher than the 1.6% death rate typically seen in the United States.

“An organ transplant is a one-time surgery that leads to specialized lifelong management to ensure that an organ is not rejected, which can lead to serious complications, the need for a subsequent transplant, and even death. “Weaver wrote in an email. “Physicians need to consider the short and long term health risks to patients when considering recommending an organ transplant. “

Living donors could also transmit a coronavirus infection to an organ recipient, threatening the patient’s life, Weaver said.

Oh, so they’re going to sentence this woman to die because she might die.

Can’t see the matrix ?????

These people want us dead.

Give me a better answer to explain this behavior, and I will use it, but there is no better answer.

The organized left wants the unvaccinated Trump supporters dead. Previously, these monsters simply used reverse psychology to ensure that unvaccinated Trump supporters stay unvaccinated. Now they’re upping the game by handing out outright death sentences.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook page here.


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