Completely vaccinated but afraid to take off your mask? Experts say return to maskless standard may take time for some


As more people across the country get vaccinated against COVID-19, the CDC released guidelines last Monday allowing fully vaccinated people to assemble without a mask. But removing the mask and adjusting to life before the pandemic will come with a learning curve, experts say.

Dr Aderonke Pederson, an instructor in psychiatry and behavioral science at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, said the one-year anniversary of the pandemic has become a milestone for people adjusting to a new normal.

“If we were talking about a week or two of a change in routine, returning to some semblance of normalcy would be another point. But we are talking about a year of changes and adjustments, a year of losses on many levels, ”she said.

Illinois public health officials reported Thursday that more than 1.3 million residents – just over 10% of the state’s population – had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The reluctance in those who are fully vaccinated stems from learned behaviors as well as trauma associated with those who have been affected by the virus.

“A year later we were conditioned to say that the safe thing to do is put on your mask and not be close to others, and now we have to readjust and adapt to what will become a new normal. in the coming months, ”she said. “There is a level of conditioning that occurs when we change our behavior, when you continue to engage in that particular behavior for a specific time, your body adapts to that behavior.”

Moving away from wearing a dedicated mask will take time and comfort levels will vary from person to person, she added. Plus, a return to old routines before the pandemic will come with time, additional guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and an increase in the number of people fully vaccinated.

“It’s important for us to follow the next few months and be patient with each other,” she said. “Step by step socialization approaches will be the best to reclaim what will be our new normal.”

For example, people may choose to organize one-on-one meetings before engaging in large social groups.

Jacqueline Gollan, professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, said “small steps” to normalcy will help overcome anxiety.

“Anxiety decreases when you rely on medical science,” she says. “We are able to make predictions more accurately. It’s like walking slowly on ice to make sure it’s thick enough to hold us back. Each of us has our own normal timelines. Some people will take great strides, others will have to look and see where they can make changes that are safe enough and mitigate their own risks. “

Small, usual steps will help deal with the anxiety that can be created by taking bigger steps, Gollan added.

“We view social scenarios with a lot of apprehension and vigilance,” she says. “Now, once safely vaccinated, we need to reset our expectations about social situations. The challenge though is that our alertness and built up stress systems don’t reset as quickly as we prefer, but it will just take time to realize that social situations are safer once vaccinated.


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