Concept of inbound and outbound calories is ‘tragically flawed,’ new research suggests


According to a 2018 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about half of Americans are trying to lose weight at any time. The majority say that exercise and eating less are the main ways in which they attempt to lose weight. Unfortunately, the majority of people trying to lose weight will fail, gaining all or more weight over time.

Now, a further examination of our understanding of weight gain indicates that people don’t necessarily fail in diets, it was the diet’s message of moving more and eating less that doomed their efforts from the start. According to the authors, the oversimplification of the calories in versus calories out message has led to a country where nearly one in three adults (around 42%) are considered obese and the numbers are only getting worse.

Hormonal changes are the main driver of excess fat storage

The article, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition offers an alternative model to the message “eat less, move more” and argues that the success of weight loss, as well as the maintenance of weight loss, is more of a question. of What you eat and less on How many you eat.

According to the study, weight loss relates to our hormonal response to certain macronutrients. The study’s authors include many of the country’s foremost nutrition scientists.

The concept of inbound and outbound calories is “tragically flawed”

The authors found that when foods with a high glycemic index (which are carbohydrates that cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly) are eaten, the body responds through two hormones. It increases insulin (a hormone used to direct sugar into cells) and suppresses glucagon (a hormone used to release stored glucose when levels are too low). The combination of the two sets the stage for fat storage by telling our fat cells to store calories. This is due to a rapid rise and subsequent drop in blood sugar that occurs shortly after consuming the high GI food.

The brain senses that critical tissues are deprived of energy and, in response, sends a signal telling the body to eat more. In addition, the body will do everything possible to conserve the little energy it has and reacts by slowing down the metabolism.

Essentially, the energy balancing model promotes continued rapid fat storage, increases hunger and cravings, and lowers overall metabolism. A healthy recipe for disaster. In addition to obesity, an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes also occurs. Perhaps more importantly though, the model suggests something that science doesn’t support – that quantity of food is preferred over quality.

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Hormonal changes cause fat to be stored regardless of energy needs

Instead of focusing on the energy balance model, the authors instead cite a shift in focus towards a carbohydrate-insulin model.

As humans, we have different hormonal responses to different types of food. Reducing hunger and controlling insulin production are essential for sustained weight loss. Carbohydrates are the only macronutrient that has the most profound impact on insulin. Low-carb approaches have been found in studies not only to reduce appetite, but also to limit and control insulin, glucagon, and even leptin responses. It has also proven to be a sustainable approach to weight loss and an effective diet for type 2 diabetes. All of this happens in the absence of counting calories or eating less.

How to change your diet to control your hormones

If you think you have failed diets in the past, perhaps think that the diet messages you received were the real failure. Now is the time to change the approach to meet the physiological needs of the body. Here are a few steps to help you get started.

Eat more foods rich in fiber

Eating foods high in fiber helps delay gastric emptying and increase satiety. Foods high in fiber that are also low in carbohydrates include cruciferous vegetables, nuts, seeds, and small amounts of beans and whole grains.

Focus on lean protein and healthy fats

Unlike the high GI carbohydrates detailed in the study, protein and fat have very little impact on blood sugar. Changing your macronutrient makeup to include more protein and fat will ultimately reduce insulin production by reducing spikes in blood sugar.

Reduce consumption of very tasty foods

There’s a reason we can’t put the bag of chips down, but we have no problem limiting our serving of a huge bowl of broccoli. Very appetizing foods lack nutrients and limit our ability to feel hungry. They often come in the form of traditional snack foods or can also be found at fast food outlets. Limiting them is often the first step in the transition to a more complete diet.

Limit sugar consumption

Excessive consumption of sugar has a huge impact on insulin levels and leads to increased cravings and hunger. If you feel the urge for sweetness, instead focus on fresh fruits, like apples and berries that contain fiber to help slow the blood sugar response. Also, consider eliminating all sources of added sugars, including sugary drinks, sugary cereals and pastries.

Practice mindful eating

Finding mindfulness in your relationship with food can also help. For example, when you are hungry, ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you are bored, stressed or distracted.

Sleep better

Studies show that sleeping less than seven hours on a regular basis can disrupt digestive enzymes, causing hunger and cravings that are hard to control.

Perhaps the science of the last decades is finally catching up with the hypothesis presented in this article. The distribution of macronutrients is important. This is especially true for people with metabolic disturbances such as insulin resistance, fatty liver disease and / or type 2 diabetes. Lowering high GI carbohydrates has consistently shown positive results for health and maybe ultimately maybe the answer to the nation’s obesity problem.


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