Concerned parents push Utah Board of Education for mask mandate in public schools


SALT LAKE CITY – Cases of COVID-19 in Utah continue to rise and a new school year is fast approaching. This prompts a group of concerned parents to push the state school board for a mask mandate in public schools.

A handful of concerned parents, along with two state lawmakers, held a pro-mask rally on Friday morning in

They realize it’s an uphill battle, but say they need to make their voices heard.

READ: Salt Lake County Health considering mandate for K-6 mask

A few dozen concerned citizens, some bringing their children and holding up signs, hoping that members of school boards will be able to convince lawmakers to impose a school mask mandate.

Health Ministry officials say the Delta variant allows COVID-19 to spread more easily than ever, even among children.

Many call it a recipe for disaster as a new school year approaches.

But these people say every little bit helps stop the spread of COVID, including students and staff wearing face masks.

“And they were concerned that we needed protection, all the protection we could get to go back to school to keep our schools open,” said Representative Gay Lynn Bennion. “We all want schools to be open and this is the best way to keep them open.”

READ: Schools prepare for back to school; the teachers’ union is worried

So there you have it, in a nutshell, the two sides of a proposed mask mandate.

Jasmine Reyes says she took her kids out of Syracuse Public School and put them in a charter school where they don’t have to wear face masks… she says she’s okay with playing with their health and that of their comrades.

And while she realizes it’s an uphill battle, Bennion says state lawmakers have left wiggle room in their law banning mask warrants in public schools.

It allows county councils and members of local school boards to follow the advice of local health officials.

Now, with the number of COVID cases exploding from the Delta variant, Bennion is hoping local leaders will listen to health and scientific recommendations.


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