Contra Costa opens vaccine eligibility at age 50 and over :: Press releases :: Contra Costa Health Services


Monday 22 March 2021

Thanks to an increase in the supply of COVID-19 vaccines, Contra Costa County is now extending vaccine eligibility to anyone aged 50 and over living or working in the county, whether or not they have an underlying health problem.

The move comes as the county has started receiving additional vaccines from the federal government for its federally qualified health centers. This federal allowance is in addition to the vaccine the county receives from the state each week.

A week ago, Contra Costa expanded eligibility to people aged 16 to 64 and older with eligible underlying health conditions. Today’s announcement removes all health-related qualifiers for people aged 50 to 64.

“We look forward to the coming months when we can remove vaccine eligibility, when everyone is eligible,” Contra Costa County Supervisory Board chair Diane Burgis said. “More and more doses of the vaccine are arriving in the county every week and we expect this trend to continue.”

To date, more than 336,000 people in the county have received at least one dose of the vaccine, including 96% of those aged 75 and over. The county will further expand eligibility to others as vaccine supply increases further.

“COVID doesn’t affect everyone the same,” said Dr Chris Farnitano, county health official. “The elderly are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses. Almost all COVID deaths in Contra Costa are in people over the age of 50. the most vulnerable groups in our community. ”

Over 235,000 county residents are between the ages of 50 and 64.

“We are fortunate to have currently three highly effective vaccines,” said Dr Farnitano. “All health workers in the Bay Area strongly recommend getting vaccinated, to protect yourself, your loved ones and our community.

Eligible residents can request an appointment for a vaccine in the county by filling out an online form or by calling 833-829-2626.

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