"Copious fried meat, bound colon cancer"


The Institute states that smoked foods, including roast meats, account for 18% of all cases of bowel cancer, as they tend to form insoluble hydrocarbons upon consumption and may cause later disease.

Dr. Crispin Kahesa, director of ORCI's prevention services, told the Guardian in an interview yesterday that the burden of colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, had increased six-fold during last five years, mainly affecting people aged 40 to 45. .

He said that the endemic disease was an emerging cancer variety that climbed to the eleventh position among the most leading cancers, out of the top 20 ranks it had previously held, out of 200 types of cancer.

In Tanzania, cervical cancer is the leading type of cancer in Tanzania, followed by Kaposi's sarcoma, breast cancer, esophageal or throat cancer, head and neck, lymphoma and leukemia (blood cancer).

Other are cancers of the bladder, skin, eyes, prostate and liver.

Over the past three years, the number of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer has increased from 146 to 300 patients between 2015 and 2018.

Dr. Kahesa suggested that men were primarily affected by their food consumption behavior.

"The institute spends the month of March in colorectal cancer awareness month to inform the public about the ever-increasing disease," he said.

"The pace of the increase is a warning signal to think about an intervention to be prevented and to treat it as soon as possible," he said.

People living in major urban areas were prone to illness because of their unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise.

Among the regions, Dar es Salaam was in the lead, followed by the coastal region, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Tanga, Dodoma and Morogoro, accounting for 61% of all patients with colorectal cancer.

The director said people should be tested regularly to detect the problem and avoid smoked food as a preventative measure against the disease, he said.

In addition, society should get rid of smoking and excessive drinking, especially men.

Of the patients diagnosed, 90% are screened at advanced stages 3 and 4, where their lives are short-lived, before dying.

Most of them receive palliative care and are not cured because of the advanced state of the disease despite the fact that the disease can be prevented.

The director explained that "due to the increase in the number of patients, ORCI has taken a number of steps, including encouraging the public to become aware of the problem.

According to a research article published in the Journal of Cancer Epidemiology about two years ago, colorectal cancer is an increasingly serious public health problem, with rates increasing in countries where the incidence was low .

The study allowed to determine the trends and distribution of colorectal cancer in Tanzania and to identify hot spots in the distribution of cases.

The meat prepared at high temperature and well cooked produces more heterocyclic amines (hydrocarbons) than that prepared at lower temperature

On July 6, Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Seniors and Children, said that to improve cancer treatment at ORCI, the government had allocated $ 7 billion to Institute to accelerate cancer prevention. , treatment services.

"When the cancer is in an advanced stage, it is difficult to treat. It adds to the burden of the government because a lot of money is spent on it. This can be avoided if an early diagnosis of cancer is made, "she said.


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