Coronavirus outbreak at Kaiser San Jose hospital infects 43


Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center is investigating a coronavirus outbreak in its emergency department that has infected at least 43 staff members.

Hospital officials are investigating whether the outbreak was affected by a staff member briefly appearing in the emergency department on Christmas Day wearing a holiday-themed air suit. All 43 staff members tested positive for the virus between December 27 and January 1.

“Any exposure, if it had occurred, would have been completely innocent and quite accidental, as the individual had no symptoms of COVID and was only seeking to boost the morale of those around him during a very stressful time,” Irene Chavez , senior vice president and regional director of Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center, said in a statement.

“If anything, this should serve as a very real reminder that the virus is widespread, and often without symptoms, and we all need to be vigilant,” Chavez said.

“Obviously, we will no longer allow air-powered suits in our facilities,” Chavez said. “At the same time, we are taking steps to strengthen safety precautions among staff, including physical distance and no congregation in break rooms, no sharing of food or drink and masks at all. time.

Chavez said the hospital is notifying and testing staff or patients who have been exposed and is preparing to test all emergency department workers and doctors. Workers confirmed or suspected of having contracted the virus will be asked to stay at home.

The emergency department is undergoing a thorough cleaning.

“All of our healthcare workers will be offered weekly testing for COVID-19 and expedited testing for anyone with symptoms or exposure to someone with COVID-19,” Chavez said.


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