Correction: story of a beaten older man


In an article published Feb. 28 on the conviction of a California woman for beating an elderly man, the Associated Press erroneously reported that the case had not made the case. subject to prosecution for hate crime. Prosecutors added allegations of hate crimes in an amended complaint, but they were not part of the plea agreement that ended the case.

A corrected version of the story is below:

A Californian sentenced to 15 years by an elderly man

A Los Angeles woman was sentenced to 15 years in prison for beating a 92-year-old man. She was captured in video and widely shared on social networks.

LOS ANGELES (AP) – A Los Angeles woman was sentenced to 15 years in prison for beating a 92-year-old man. She was captured in video and widely shared on social media.

Thirty-year-old Laquisha Jones was sentenced on Thursday following her unabashed call for elder abuse in December.

Prosecutors say Jones severely beat Rodolfo Rodriguez in the face with a brick on July 4 while the man was walking around. They say that Rodriguez did nothing to provoke the attack.

A witness recorded a video of Rodriguez while he was stunned, his face bleeding after being beaten. The witness, Misbel Borjas, also took a picture of a woman with a brick in her hand.

Borjas says Jones shouted to Rodriguez, "Go back to your country."

Prosecutors added allegations of hate crimes in an amended complaint, but they were not part of the plea agreement that ended the case.


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