Could dirt be the solution for treating PTSD?


A new study from the University of Colorado at Boulder has revealed that a certain type of soil bacteria helps reduce stress and, overall, make you happier.

Previous studies from around the world have reached similar conclusions, but CU research can be the first step in stress immunization for first responders and soldiers.

"What we would like to do is look at the effects on individuals who have already experienced trauma," said Associate Professor of Integrative Physiology at CU Boulder, Christopher Lowry. "[We could] either treat it immediately after a trauma, or treat it after the symptoms of developing PTSD and see if it could also be beneficial at that time. "

Until now, Lowry and other CU researchers have studied this possibility only in mice. They injected the bacteria and found that it prevents brain immune cells from igniting when you are stressed.

> Click / tap here to learn more about the study

"In our animal studies, we have shown that injections of this bacterium can prevent the development of a PTSD-like syndrome, and we have also shown that these injections can contribute to the extinction of fear."

Lowry first looks at this concept when he participates in a different study to determine if the same bacteria could help lung carcinoma patients. Although it had no effect on cancer, it also contributed to the patient's mood.

"This included improved emotional health, increased cognitive function, and decreased pain. So we thought that's probably because this soil bacterium affects the brain. "



Interestingly, this bacteria can affect more people living in big cities because they are not as close to the ground and your brain responds more.

Lowry told 9NEWS that he could take these results and see if there was a connection to people who often garden. The Denver Mental Health Center discovered that horticultural treatment helped many of their patients.

"For most of us, horticultural therapists are personal," said Carol LaRocque, Center. "We have discovered for ourselves what happens when we garden. It's in itself at once relaxing but exciting or inspiring. "

She considers studies like the one out of CU and the others when she is in the ground with her patients.

"People talk all the time about mental illness because it's a brain chemistry problem. We can have an impact on these things with a healthy diet, good nutrition … But the exposure to the soil also seems to have beneficial side effects. "

LaRocque is waiting for further research to see where this is going.

If you are interested in asking for help through horticultural therapy, click / type here.

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