Counterfeit condoms sold in T & T


Counterfeit condoms are sold to T & T, warned one of the popular brands available locally, pointing out that the situation posed a threat to public health.

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh, contacted yesterday about this, said that he was not aware of the existence of such a situation here.

SLAM condoms yesterday published an advertisement in the newspaper criticizing "inferior" counterfeits and highlighting the means by which consumers can detect counterfeits.

Authentic Slam condoms are made in Thailand by Thai Nippon Rubber Company Limited.

However, counterfeits claim to be made in China.

The findings come six months after the police separated a gang manufacturing and selling counterfeit condoms in eastern China.

More than 500,000 fake boxes, worth a total of $ 7 million, were seized and 17 people were arrested during these investigations.

Durex counterfeit condoms were among the hiding place found in China

"They say that imitation is the biggest flattery, but counterfeit products are not just about stealing, they can cause real harm," said SLAM's publicity.

SLAM said the packaging has differences that will help customers differentiate between genuine condoms and counterfeit condoms.

"Counterfeit condoms are a serious problem for all condom manufacturers in the world," said SLAM.

"Condoms are regulated as a medical device and unscrupulous criminals substitute substandard products for known brands. These devices could damage the reputation of established brands and destroy their reputation, "he said.

The investigation in China revealed that some of the counterfeit condoms had been recycled from used ones.

SLAM said the counterfeits are "simply second-rate" and "manufactured to dubious standards in China".

Compared to SLAM, counterfeit products were smaller, shorter and used thinner latex.

"It has a rubbery smell compared to the strawberry essence of SLAM. The difference is obvious and the easiest way to find out is to look at the bottom of the pack, "said SLAM.

SLAM stated that its brand was not the only one to be targeted.

"We believe that an informed consumer is an autonomous consumer," he said.

"A portion of our revenue is used to improve our planet through crucial programs such as AIDS awareness and family planning. We care about you and our community. Others do not, "he said.

The company asked customers to be on the lookout for counterfeits and to report their presence.

When asked if he had any advice to give to consumers, in light of SLAM's claims, Deyalsingh said that he could not comment on topics he did not know about. was unaware or about whom he did not have facts.

"I will not respond to something I'm not aware of," Deyalsingh said.


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