County Surpasses 2,000 COVID-19 Deaths, Younger Victim Reports | New


San Diego County has taken a dark step forward in the COVID-19 pandemic, reporting a total of 2,005 San Diegans lost to the virus. This includes 53 additional deaths reported today to the County Health and Human Services Agency.

The deaths reported today include a 19-year-old man, the youngest in San Diegan to die of complications from COVID-19.

“Our deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of this teenager and to the families and friends of the more than 2,000 San Diegans who have died of COVID-19 throughout this pandemic,” said Wilma J. Wooten, MD, MPH, County Public Health Officer. “We understand that the pandemic has strained the community, but today’s report reminds us that we must do all we can to protect each other and slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Wooten continues to urge the San Diegans to do the following:

  • wash your hands
  • Watch your distance from others
  • Wear a mask
  • In case of illness, stay home and get tested

For more information on COVID-19, testing locations and vaccine distribution, visit

ICU capacity and order of stay at home:

  • The current availability of intensive care unit (ICU) beds for the Southern California area is 0.0% and will be updated daily by the state.
  • the Regional stay-at-home order is in effect and prohibits gatherings of any size with people from other households and adds restrictions for several areas.
  • The order will last until the region’s ICU availability reaches or exceeds 15%.

Community-based epidemics:

  • Eight new community outbreaks were confirmed on January 13: five at businesses, one at a community agency, one at a daycare / preschool / daycare and one at a government setting.
  • In the past seven days (January 7 to January 13), 48 community outbreaks have been confirmed.
  • The number of community epidemics remains above the trigger by seven or more in seven days.
  • A community-based outbreak is defined as three or more cases of COVID-19 in one setting and in people from different households in the past 14 days.


  • 42,878 tests were reported to the county on January 13 and the percentage of new positive cases was 6%.
  • The 14-day moving average percentage of positive cases is 13.6%. The target is less than 8.0%.
  • The daily 7-day test average is 27,146.
  • People at higher risk of COVID-19 who may or may not have symptoms should be tested. People with symptoms should get tested. Healthcare workers and essential workers should also be tested, as well as people who have had close contact with a positive case or who live in heavily affected communities. Those who have recently returned from travel or attended holiday gatherings are also encouraged to get tested.


  • 2,595 cases were reported to the county on January 13. The region’s total is now 204,175.
  • 6,809 or 3.3% of all cases required hospitalization.
  • 1,280 or 0.6% of all cases and 18.8% of hospitalized cases required admission to an intensive care unit.


  • 53 new deaths from COVID-19 were reported to the county on January 13. The region total is now 2,005.
  • 23 women and 30 men died between November 28 and January 13.
  • Of the 53 new deaths reported on Jan. 13, 27 people who died were 80 or older, 13 in their 60s, eight in their 60s, three in their 50s, one in their 20s and one was a teenager.
  • 51 had underlying medical conditions, one no and one had a pending medical history.

More information:

The more detailed data summaries found on the County website are updated around 5 p.m. daily.


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