Couple vomited for hours before dying of mystery virus in Fiji


The young Texas couple who died in the United States said that they felt they were complying with each other and that they were trying to improve their lives.

Michelle and David Paul, of Fort Worth, were visiting the island late last month – and started feeling unwell the day before they were supposed to leave.

Michelle, 35, texted her parents, who lives in Nevada, soon after the couple arrived in Fiji, saying that she and her husband had been violently ill.

"We are both going to doctor now," she wrote in a message obtained by ABC News. "We have been throwing up for 8 hours. Dave has diarrhea. My hands are numb. We will text when we can. "

Once again, Michelle feels a text to her mom, Juliet Calanog.

"We just got back from the clinic. They gave us fluids and anti-nausea drip, "Michelle Paul wrote. "They gave us electrolyte packets and anti-nausea pills. We still do not feel 100%. Going to rest in our room. "

Calanog advised the couple to "slow down."

"Take care," she added, according to the report. "Drink a lot of fluid, bottled water. You need to rest. "

The doctor's treatments proved unsuccessful – Michelle died on May 25, and David, 37, succumbed to his illness two days later.

Local authorities are continuing to probe how the peer died.

"Influenza has been ruled out, and at this stage, it is a risk to the public," the Fiji Ministry of Health said in a Tuesday statement obtained by ABC. "It would be premature to speculate further on the cause of death until the investigation is complete."

Five people who have come under quarantine as a precaution – and they are "currently well," the Health Ministry added.

Meanwhile, relating to the wait for answers is agonizing.

"I'm stuck in a nightmare," Rebecca Ward, David Paul's sister, said in a Wednesday "Good Morning America" ​​interview. "You think you're going to have an answer today and you get a call that they do not know."

And Mark Calanag, Michelle's father, said Monday he wanted an independent US investigation into the couple's deaths. He said he has been in contact with the United States in Fiji and is awaiting the autopsy results.


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