COVID-19 cases in the United States, hospitalizations down 30% from previous month


Daily COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations have each declined by about 30% since the end of August, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of September 27, the country had a seven-day moving average of 110,232 new daily cases, down 30.9% from 159,515 on August 27, while new COVID-related hospitalizations fell 31%, going from 12,330 to 8,507 during the same period. .

Dr Gregory Poland, infectious disease expert and director of the Mayo Clinic’s vaccine research group, predicts that as rates of COVID-19 cases decline, fewer Americans will take infection precautions , which will lead to a potential increase in respiratory illnesses in winter.


“We are going to ignore it even more and not wear masks at all, take no precautions, travel again,” Poland told Fox News. “And that in itself will cause a new wave of COVID, influenza and RSV [respiratory syncytial virus, a common respiratory virus] This winter.”

“It is a very difficult task to convince a population which, emotionally, does not want to hear it and which nevertheless risks its life”, declared Poland.

Despite declining rates of cases and hospitalizations nationwide, Idaho continues to face a wave, recording record hospitalizations in recent days, a five-fold increase in the number of pediatric patients at the end of the year. summer in June, according to a report, and limited space left for some funeral homes and trailers to store the bodies. The state is tied with one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country with around 41% of residents fully vaccinated.

Idaho’s public health officials announced earlier this month that they had activated “crisis care standards” allowing health care rationing for upstate hospitals due to the number of coronavirus patients that institutions could not manage. The move has allowed hospitals to allocate scarce resources, such as intensive care unit rooms, to patients most likely to survive and to make other dramatic changes to the way they treat patients.


Data from Johns Hopkins University suggests new daily infections are concentrated in some southern states like Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arizona, while indicating an increase in infections in Iowa and Massachusetts specifically.

Data indicates that the seven-day average of Texas infections is on the decline, although the figure exceeds 10,000, while Louisiana had a seven-day average of more than 1,000 cases, up from nearly 5,800 in mid -August, based on data from Johns Hopkins University. The related figures for Oklahoma and Arizona exceed 1,400 and 2,300, respectively. The data also shows that Iowa exceeds a seven-day average of 2,000 new daily infections while Massachusetts is tied at a close figure. from 1,500.

More than 75% of Americans over 12 have received at least one dose of the vaccine, 65% of whom are fully immunized. The Biden the administration said on Tuesday that more than 400,000 Americans have received COVID-19[female[feminine booster shots over the weekend only at drugstores, and another million people signed up to get the extra jab after it was approved for seniors and high-risk people last week.

Breck Dumas of The Associated Press and Fox News contributed to this report.


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