Covid-19 deaths remain high in California as US crisis continues


More … than 16.5 million Doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in the United States, or about 46% of the 36 million doses distributed, according to data released by the CDC today.

At least 2.1 million people received the required two doses, according to data reported this morning.

West Virginia continues to lead the country in terms of the number of vaccine doses administered per capita, with more than 8,800 doses administered per 100,000 population.

Wednesday’s figures mark a significant increase in the share of doses administered out of the total distributed. Previously, this share had remained below 40%.

However, a note on the CDC’s Covid Data Tracker site says the agency is “fine-tuning the way the number of doses dispensed is reported,” which could affect that calculation.

The U.S. vaccine rollout has not gone smoothly, with the country lagging behind several other countries in its Covid-19 vaccination efforts, according to a recent CNN analysis of government data.

CNN is following the spread of Covid-19 across the United States here:

Tracking Covid-19 Cases in the United States


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